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如何充分利用你的海外宝博体育- 东航卡帕

by 杰克逊施瓦茨
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我完成了我的 我在伦敦留学 同时也完成了 宝博体育 at the same time and here I’ll outline my experiences interning in a new country and share the value of completing an 在国外宝博体育. 有无数的原因,学生决定 宝博体育, including 旅行, experiencing new cultures, historical impacts, you name it. 当与未来的学生讨论宝博体育时, 这些是他们为什么想要这样做的常见回答. I propose completing an 宝博体育, in addition to all the other reasons why you should 宝博体育. 我觉得我更适合这份工作, as I was the person who also wanted to hit as many countries as possible (I think my final count was 13!) while still seeing what 伦敦 had to offer and getting the most out of my 宝博体育! So, while many of the common reasons help you develop socially and culturally, 完成宝博体育也有利于专业发展.   




As a psychology student, there are many career paths after getting a degree. I think the statement is relevant to whatever degree you’re pursuing. 作为一个对未来有很多想法的年轻人, 当你获得学位时,你必须缩小你的前景. The Career and Internship Team at 东航卡帕 does a phenomenal job placing you in a relevant 宝博体育 through forms and interviews to ensure you are spending your time at a place where you can grow and help an organization. 我被安置在皇家自由医院儿童学校(RFHCS)。, a special educational school working with students living with a range of social and educational needs, 在伦敦最大的医院之一. My experience was amazing, so I encourage you all to work in a new place.  


Ward 6 West B – the location of the classroom and RFHCS school office 

Within the hospital, I had the opportunity to work within three disciplines relating to the school.  

First, pastoral services, teaching, and educating the students at the school. 我学到了教育学生的技巧, 保持学生的注意力, 和他们建立有意义的关系.  



第二个, I worked logistically with the Eating Disorders Team to develop individual educational plans for students living with severe eating disorders and plan the Royal Free Hospital’s annual Eating Disorders conference.  

最后, 可以说最重要的是, was developing a research study measuring the cost-effectiveness of the RFHCS with my supervisor and fellow intern from Singapore (pretty cool!). You never know what you’ll develop an interest in and conducting that research has allowed me to narrow down what I want to do for my future career.   


You don’t only intern to help a company, you do it to help yourself develop in the adult world. 经历帮助我们塑造我们将要成为的人, which is one unique way to get a new point of view and a whole new set of work-related experiences. 当然, 就像任何工作或宝博体育一样, you can apply what you have learned in the real world while expanding on transferable skills. Adding an international 宝博体育 to your résumé is fascinating and will make you stand out as a candidate. Before I even completed my 宝博体育 in 伦敦, I needed to look for a summer 宝博体育 back home. 我的面试官, 谁成了我的上司和同事, was very curious about my experience in 伦敦 because he had spent a decade in 伦敦 after studying abroad there. Another prime example is when I recently interviewed for a research position at my university, it was one of the first things my interviewer and I connected with since he grew up in Germany. Now, he is my mentor and thesis advisor and will be a lifelong connection. 尽管成绩对大学来说很重要, I believe it is more about your experiences and how you learn and adapt to them. 发展是你大学生活的一个重要方面, forming the foundation of what you want to believe and become in the world. Becoming more familiar with it through lived experiences benefits your personal growth.  




Everybody wants to have some flexibility with their schedule while abroad, 特别是去旅行,看看你的城市和国家提供什么. While interning 20 hours a week and taking 12 credits a week makes for a busy 4-day schedule, 我保证有时间做所有的事情. I checked off many of the countries and sites on my bucket list and much more. 东航卡帕 was also impressive with providing excursions during the weeknights to see more of 伦敦 and the UK, 而我则去度周末 穷游. 这是一个千载难逢的机会, 包括在一个新的国家学习和宝博体育, 体验新文化, 旅行, 以及宝博体育带来的一切. Interning is a great way to supplement some free time while gaining another perspective and experience through professional development.  


 汉普斯特德希思,离医院步行两分钟. It is also one of 伦敦’s largest green spaces and provides arguably the best view of the city’s skyline! 



杰克逊施瓦茨 2023年春季校友大使在伦敦吗, 英格兰, 目前就读于密歇根大学安娜堡分校.
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